AK4Y = {}
AK4Y.Framework = "newEsx" -- esx or newEsx
AK4Y.Mysql = "oxmysql" -- Check fxmanifest.lua when you change it! | ghmattimysql / oxmysql / mysql-async
AK4Y.UpdateXP = {min = 5, max = 10} --How many xp do you want to increase for collection
AK4Y.MaxLevel = 15
AK4Y.TaskResetPeriod = 1 -- DAY
AK4Y.PaymentMethod = "cash" -- "cash" or "bank"
AK4Y.NeededEXP = 1000 -- for level up
AK4Y.OnlyShootInZone = true
AK4Y.WeaponType = "item"
AK4Y.NPCAreas = {
pedName = "AKAY",
pedHash = 0x1EEC7BDC,
pedCoord = vector3(-679.14, 5834.51, 16.33),
drawText = "[E] - Hunting NPC",
h = 132.41,
blipSettings = { --
blip = true,
blipName = "Hunting NPC",
blipIcon = 154,
blipColour = 1,
AK4Y.WikiPage = {
starCount = 1, -- max 5
areaTitle = "POULTRY",
areaMiniTitle = "CHICKEN FARMING",
areaDescription = "In this area; you can catch chickens. A good introduction to hunting!",
allowedWeapons = {
animals = {
areaCoords = vector3(1447.7864, 1066.3145, 114.33869),
areaImage = "./images/chickenArea.png",
starCount = 3, -- max 5
areaTitle = "PIG HUNTER",
areaMiniTitle = "Killer of pigs",
areaDescription = "The next hunting point after poultry :D, Their meat is of high quality. It's a good profit!",
allowedWeapons = {
animals = {
areaCoords = vector3(3681.69, 4520.4, 23.64),
areaImage = "./images/area_1.png",
starCount = 5, -- max 5
areaTitle = "DEER HUNTING",
areaMiniTitle = "The Last Point",
areaDescription = "The ultimate in hunting! If you can catch something here, you're a real hunter! ",
allowedWeapons = {
animals = {
areaCoords = vector3(-543.85, 5524.41, 61.03),
areaImage = "./images/deerArea.png",
AK4Y.MarketPage = {
uniqueId = 1,
itemLabel = "HUNTING RIFLE",
itemName = "weapon_sniperrifle",
itemType = "item", -- item or weapon
itemCount = 1,
itemPrice = 500,
itemImage = "./images/shotgunItem.png",
uniqueId = 2,
itemLabel = "HUNTING KNIFE",
itemName = "hunting_knife",
itemType = "item", -- item or weapon
itemCount = 1,
itemPrice = 100,
itemImage = "./images/HuntingKnife.png",
uniqueId = 3,
itemLabel = "Poor Quality Deer Bait",
itemName = "deer_bait",
itemType = "item", -- item or weapon
itemCount = 1,
itemPrice = 10,
itemImage = "./images/lowDeerBait.png",
uniqueId = 4,
itemLabel = "High Quality Deer Bait",
itemName = "deer_bait2",
itemType = "item", -- item or weapon
itemCount = 1,
itemPrice = 15,
itemImage = "./images/highDeerBait.png",
uniqueId = 5,
itemLabel = "Poor Quality Pig Bait",
itemName = "pig_bait",
itemType = "item", -- item or weapon
itemCount = 1,
itemPrice = 7,
itemImage = "./images/lowPigBait.png",
uniqueId = 6,
itemLabel = "High Quality Pig Bait",
itemName = "pig_bait2",
itemType = "item", -- item or weapon
itemCount = 1,
itemPrice = 9,
itemImage = "./images/highPigBait.png",
AK4Y.SellItems = {
uniqueId = 1,
itemLabel = "Poor Quality Deer Meat",
itemName = "deer_meat",
itemStar = 4, -- MAX 5
itemPrice = 200,
itemImage = "./images/lowDeerMeat.png",
uniqueId = 2,
itemLabel = "High Quality Deer Meat",
itemName = "deer_meat2",
itemStar = 5, -- MAX 5
itemPrice = 290,
itemImage = "./images/highDeerMeat.png",
uniqueId = 3,
itemLabel = "Poor Quality Pig Meat",
itemName = "pig_meat",
itemStar = 2, -- MAX 5
itemPrice = 120,
itemImage = "./images/lowPigMeat.png",
uniqueId = 4,
itemLabel = "High Quality Pig Meat",
itemName = "pig_meat2",
itemStar = 3, -- MAX 5
itemPrice = 170,
itemImage = "./images/highPigMeat.png",
uniqueId = 5,
itemLabel = "Poor Quality Chicken Meat",
itemName = "chicken_meat",
itemStar = 0, -- MAX 5
itemPrice = 40,
itemImage = "./images/lowChickenMeat.png",
uniqueId = 6,
itemLabel = "High Quality Chicken Meat",
itemName = "chicken_meat2",
itemStar = 1, -- MAX 5
itemPrice = 55,
itemImage = "./images/highChickenMeat.png",
AK4Y.Tasks = {
taskId = 1,
taskTitle = "Cath 10 Chicken",
taskDescription = "Cath 10 chicken and earn xp",
rewardPrice = 10000,
requiredCount = 10,
taskId = 2,
taskTitle = "Cut 10 Pig",
taskDescription = "Cut 10 pig and earn xp",
rewardPrice = 10000,
requiredCount = 10,
taskId = 3,
taskTitle = "Cut 10 Deer",
taskDescription = "Cut 10 deer and earn xp",
rewardPrice = 10000,
requiredCount = 10,
taskId = 4,
taskTitle = "Place 10 Pig Bait",
taskDescription = "Place 10 pig bait and earn xp",
rewardPrice = 10000,
requiredCount = 10,
taskId = 5,
taskTitle = "Place 10 Deer Bait",
taskDescription = "Place 10 deer bait and earn xp",
rewardPrice = 10000,
requiredCount = 10,
taskId = 6,
taskTitle = "Find 10 Rare Chicken Meat",
taskDescription = "Find 10 rare chicken meat and earn xp",
rewardPrice = 10000,
requiredCount = 10,
taskId = 7,
taskTitle = "Find 10 Rare Pig Meat",
taskDescription = "Find 10 rare chicken meat and earn xp",
rewardPrice = 10000,
requiredCount = 10,
taskId = 8,
taskTitle = "Find 10 Rare Deer Meat",
taskDescription = "Find 10 rare chicken meat and earn xp",
rewardPrice = 10000,
requiredCount = 10,
AK4Y.LevelPackages = {
packageId = 1,
upLevel = 1,
realPrice = 10,
directLink = "",
packageId = 2,
upLevel = 2,
realPrice = 20,
directLink = "",
packageId = 3,
upLevel = 3,
realPrice = 25,
directLink = "",
packageId = 4,
upLevel = 4,
realPrice = 30,
directLink = "",
packageId = 5,
upLevel = 5,
realPrice = 35,
directLink = "",
packageId = 6,
upLevel = 6,
realPrice = 40,
directLink = "",
function NOTIFY(message)
function PlaceBait(baittype)
-- baittype return placed bait type
if baittype == "a_c_pig" then
TriggerServerEvent('ak4y-advancedHunting:taskCountAdd', 4, 1)
elseif baittype == "a_c_deer" then
TriggerServerEvent('ak4y-advancedHunting:taskCountAdd', 5, 1)
function CutAnimal(animal)
-- animal return cutted animal hash
if animal == 1794449327 then
TriggerServerEvent('ak4y-advancedHunting:taskCountAdd', 1, 1)
elseif animal == -1323586730 then
TriggerServerEvent('ak4y-advancedHunting:taskCountAdd', 2, 1)
elseif animal == -664053099 then
TriggerServerEvent('ak4y-advancedHunting:taskCountAdd', 3, 1)
function EarnRareItem(animal)
-- animal return earned rare item animal hash
if animal == 1794449327 then
TriggerServerEvent('ak4y-advancedHunting:taskCountAdd', 6, 1)
elseif animal == -1323586730 then
TriggerServerEvent('ak4y-advancedHunting:taskCountAdd', 7, 1)
elseif animal == -664053099 then
TriggerServerEvent('ak4y-advancedHunting:taskCountAdd', 8, 1)
AK4Y.UnlimitedAmmoWeapons = {
["weapon_sniperrifle"] = true,
AK4Y.HuntLocations = {
["a_c_deer"] = {
location = vector3(-543.85, 5524.41, 61.03),
radius = 100.0,
blipactive = true,
blipColour = 1,
blipAlpha = 50,
BlipName = "Hunt Zone",
BlipSprite = 141,
BlipScale = 1.0,
NeededLevel = 7,
["Allowed Weapons"] = {
["a_c_pig"] = {
location = vector3(3681.69, 4520.4, 23.64),
radius = 100.0,
blipactive = true,
blipColour = 1,
BlipName = "Hunt Zone",
BlipSprite = 141,
BlipScale = 1.0,
NeededLevel = 4,
["Allowed Weapons"] = {
AK4Y.CatchChicken = {
location = vector3(1447.7864, 1066.3145, 114.33869),
radius = 100.0,
blipactive = true,
blipColour = 1,
blipAlpha = 50,
BlipName = "Cath Chicken",
BlipSprite = 141,
BlipScale = 1.0,
AK4Y.AimBlockWeapons = {
["weapon_sniperrifle"] = true,
["weapon_pistol"] = true
AK4Y.AnimalItems = {
["a_c_deer"] = {
hash = -664053099,
BasicItem = "deer_meat",
RareItem = "deer_meat2",
["a_c_pig"] = {
hash = -1323586730,
BasicItem = "pig_meat",
RareItem = "pig_meat2",
["a_c_hen"] = {
hash = 1794449327,
BasicItem = "chicken_meat",
RareItem = "chicken_meat2",
AK4Y.ProgressTime = {
["a_c_deer"] = 10000,
["a_c_pig"] = 10000,
["a_c_hen"] = 10000,
["place_bait"] = 10000,
AK4Y.Languages = { --All notifications etc.
["bait_placed"] = "Bait Placed",
["not_in_zone_bait"] = "You are not in this bait zone",
["not_in_zone"] = "You are not in zone",
["wait"] = "You have to wait place another bait",
["wait"] = "a",
["far_from_animal"] = "You are so far from animal",
["player_in_close"] = "You can't do this while have a player in your around",
["cut_animal"] = "You have to cut animal",
["cancel"] = "Cancelled",
["shredded_meat"] = "shredded_meat",
["cant_cut_this_animal"] = "You can't cut this animal",
["not_look_animal"] = "You're not looking the animal",
["you_couldnt_catch"] = "You couldn't catch",
["need_level"] = "Your level in not yet the bait this animal.",
["cath_chicken"] = "[E] Catch Chicken",
["spam"] = "Do not spam",
["cant_shoot_out_of_zone"] = "You can't shoot when out of the zone",
["refill_ammo_in_zone"] = "Your ammo will be replenished when you enter the area",
AK4Y.HTMLTranslate = {
["generalTitleDescription"] = "Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ullam ea cupiditate veritatis maiores iusto amet sint tempora, illo nostrum quia aspernatur dolorum libero alias dolor.",
["wiki"] = "WIKI",
["market"] = "MARKET",
["sales"] = "SALES",
["tasks"] = "TASKS",
["lvlBuy"] = "LVL BUY",
["weapon"] = "WEAPON",
["animals"] = "ANIMALS",
["exp"] = "EXP",
["chicken"] = "CHICKEN",
["chickenDescriptionProgressBar"] = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem iure delectus excepturi eos, accusantium nisi!",
["deer"] = "DEER",
["deerDescriptionProgressBar"] = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem iure delectus excepturi eos, accusantium nisi!",
["pig"] = "PIG",
["pigDescriptionProgressBar"] = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem iure delectus excepturi eos, accusantium nisi!",
["hello"] = "Hello",
["level"] = "LEVEL",
["up"] = "UP",
["howAbout"] = "How about",
["buyingALevel"] = "buying a level?",
["levelBuy"] = "LEVEL BUY",
["setGps"] = "SET GPS",
["buy"] = "BUY",
["sell"] = "SELL",
["collected"] = "COLLECTED",
["reward"] = "REWARD",
["accept"] = "ACCEPT",
["cutting"] = "Cutting...",
AK4Y = {}
AK4Y.Framework = "qb" -- qb / oldqb | qb = export system | oldqb = triggerevent system
AK4Y.Mysql = "oxmysql" -- Check fxmanifest.lua when you change it! | ghmattimysql / oxmysql / mysql-async
AK4Y.UpdateXP = {min = 5, max = 10} --How many xp do you want to increase for collection
AK4Y.MaxLevel = 15
AK4Y.TaskResetPeriod = 1 -- DAY
AK4Y.PaymentMethod = "cash" -- "cash" or "bank"
AK4Y.NeededEXP = 1000 -- for level up
AK4Y.OnlyShootInZone = true
AK4Y.NPCAreas = {
pedName = "AKAY",
pedHash = 0x1EEC7BDC,
pedCoord = vector3(-679.14, 5834.51, 16.33),
drawText = "[E] - Hunting NPC",
h = 132.41,
blipSettings = { --
blip = true,
blipName = "Hunting NPC",
blipIcon = 154,
blipColour = 1,
AK4Y.WikiPage = {
starCount = 1, -- max 5
areaTitle = "POULTRY",
areaMiniTitle = "CHICKEN FARMING",
areaDescription = "In this area; you can catch chickens. A good introduction to hunting!",
allowedWeapons = {
animals = {
areaCoords = vector3(1447.7864, 1066.3145, 114.33869),
areaImage = "./images/chickenArea.png",
starCount = 3, -- max 5
areaTitle = "PIG HUNTER",
areaMiniTitle = "Killer of pigs",
areaDescription = "The next hunting point after poultry :D, Their meat is of high quality. It's a good profit!",
allowedWeapons = {
animals = {
areaCoords = vector3(3681.69, 4520.4, 23.64),
areaImage = "./images/area_1.png",
starCount = 5, -- max 5
areaTitle = "DEER HUNTING",
areaMiniTitle = "The Last Point",
areaDescription = "The ultimate in hunting! If you can catch something here, you're a real hunter! ",
allowedWeapons = {
animals = {
areaCoords = vector3(-543.85, 5524.41, 61.03),
areaImage = "./images/deerArea.png",
AK4Y.MarketPage = {
uniqueId = 1,
itemLabel = "HUNTING RIFLE",
itemName = "weapon_sniperrifle",
itemType = "item", -- item or weapon
itemCount = 1,
itemPrice = 500,
itemImage = "./images/shotgunItem.png",
uniqueId = 2,
itemLabel = "HUNTING KNIFE",
itemName = "hunting_knife",
itemType = "item", -- item or weapon
itemCount = 1,
itemPrice = 100,
itemImage = "./images/HuntingKnife.png",
uniqueId = 3,
itemLabel = "Poor Quality Deer Bait",
itemName = "deer_bait",
itemType = "item", -- item or weapon
itemCount = 1,
itemPrice = 10,
itemImage = "./images/lowDeerBait.png",
uniqueId = 4,
itemLabel = "High Quality Deer Bait",
itemName = "deer_bait2",
itemType = "item", -- item or weapon
itemCount = 1,
itemPrice = 15,
itemImage = "./images/highDeerBait.png",
uniqueId = 5,
itemLabel = "Poor Quality Pig Bait",
itemName = "pig_bait",
itemType = "item", -- item or weapon
itemCount = 1,
itemPrice = 7,
itemImage = "./images/lowPigBait.png",
uniqueId = 6,
itemLabel = "High Quality Pig Bait",
itemName = "pig_bait2",
itemType = "item", -- item or weapon
itemCount = 1,
itemPrice = 9,
itemImage = "./images/highPigBait.png",
AK4Y.SellItems = {
uniqueId = 1,
itemLabel = "Poor Quality Deer Meat",
itemName = "deer_meat",
itemStar = 4, -- MAX 5
itemPrice = 200,
itemImage = "./images/lowDeerMeat.png",
uniqueId = 2,
itemLabel = "High Quality Deer Meat",
itemName = "deer_meat2",
itemStar = 5, -- MAX 5
itemPrice = 290,
itemImage = "./images/highDeerMeat.png",
uniqueId = 3,
itemLabel = "Poor Quality Pig Meat",
itemName = "pig_meat",
itemStar = 2, -- MAX 5
itemPrice = 120,
itemImage = "./images/lowPigMeat.png",
uniqueId = 4,
itemLabel = "High Quality Pig Meat",
itemName = "pig_meat2",
itemStar = 3, -- MAX 5
itemPrice = 170,
itemImage = "./images/highPigMeat.png",
uniqueId = 5,
itemLabel = "Poor Quality Chicken Meat",
itemName = "chicken_meat",
itemStar = 0, -- MAX 5
itemPrice = 40,
itemImage = "./images/lowChickenMeat.png",
uniqueId = 6,
itemLabel = "High Quality Chicken Meat",
itemName = "chicken_meat2",
itemStar = 1, -- MAX 5
itemPrice = 55,
itemImage = "./images/highChickenMeat.png",
AK4Y.Tasks = {
taskId = 1,
taskTitle = "Cath 10 Chicken",
taskDescription = "Cath 10 chicken and earn xp",
rewardPrice = 10000,
requiredCount = 10,
taskId = 2,
taskTitle = "Cut 10 Pig",
taskDescription = "Cut 10 pig and earn xp",
rewardPrice = 10000,
requiredCount = 10,
taskId = 3,
taskTitle = "Cut 10 Deer",
taskDescription = "Cut 10 deer and earn xp",
rewardPrice = 10000,
requiredCount = 10,
taskId = 4,
taskTitle = "Place 10 Pig Bait",
taskDescription = "Place 10 pig bait and earn xp",
rewardPrice = 10000,
requiredCount = 10,
taskId = 5,
taskTitle = "Place 10 Deer Bait",
taskDescription = "Place 10 deer bait and earn xp",
rewardPrice = 10000,
requiredCount = 10,
taskId = 6,
taskTitle = "Find 10 Rare Chicken Meat",
taskDescription = "Find 10 rare chicken meat and earn xp",
rewardPrice = 10000,
requiredCount = 10,
taskId = 7,
taskTitle = "Find 10 Rare Pig Meat",
taskDescription = "Find 10 rare chicken meat and earn xp",
rewardPrice = 10000,
requiredCount = 10,
taskId = 8,
taskTitle = "Find 10 Rare Deer Meat",
taskDescription = "Find 10 rare chicken meat and earn xp",
rewardPrice = 10000,
requiredCount = 10,
AK4Y.LevelPackages = {
packageId = 1,
upLevel = 1,
realPrice = 10,
directLink = "",
packageId = 2,
upLevel = 2,
realPrice = 20,
directLink = "",
packageId = 3,
upLevel = 3,
realPrice = 25,
directLink = "",
packageId = 4,
upLevel = 4,
realPrice = 30,
directLink = "",
packageId = 5,
upLevel = 5,
realPrice = 35,
directLink = "",
packageId = 6,
upLevel = 6,
realPrice = 40,
directLink = "",
function NOTIFY(message)
function PlaceBait(baittype)
-- baittype return placed bait type
if baittype == "a_c_pig" then
TriggerServerEvent('ak4y-advancedHunting:taskCountAdd', 4, 1)
elseif baittype == "a_c_deer" then
TriggerServerEvent('ak4y-advancedHunting:taskCountAdd', 5, 1)
function CutAnimal(animal)
-- animal return cutted animal hash
if animal == 1794449327 then
TriggerServerEvent('ak4y-advancedHunting:taskCountAdd', 1, 1)
elseif animal == -1323586730 then
TriggerServerEvent('ak4y-advancedHunting:taskCountAdd', 2, 1)
elseif animal == -664053099 then
TriggerServerEvent('ak4y-advancedHunting:taskCountAdd', 3, 1)
function EarnRareItem(animal)
-- animal return earned rare item animal hash
if animal == 1794449327 then
TriggerServerEvent('ak4y-advancedHunting:taskCountAdd', 6, 1)
elseif animal == -1323586730 then
TriggerServerEvent('ak4y-advancedHunting:taskCountAdd', 7, 1)
elseif animal == -664053099 then
TriggerServerEvent('ak4y-advancedHunting:taskCountAdd', 8, 1)
AK4Y.UnlimitedAmmoWeapons = {
["weapon_sniperrifle"] = true,
AK4Y.HuntLocations = {
["a_c_deer"] = {
location = vector3(-543.85, 5524.41, 61.03),
radius = 100.0,
blipactive = true,
blipColour = 1,
blipAlpha = 50,
BlipName = "Hunt Zone",
BlipSprite = 141,
BlipScale = 1.0,
NeededLevel = 7,
["Allowed Weapons"] = {
["a_c_pig"] = {
location = vector3(3681.69, 4520.4, 23.64),
radius = 100.0,
blipactive = true,
blipColour = 1,
BlipName = "Hunt Zone",
BlipSprite = 141,
BlipScale = 1.0,
NeededLevel = 4,
["Allowed Weapons"] = {
AK4Y.CatchChicken = {
location = vector3(1447.7864, 1066.3145, 114.33869),
radius = 100.0,
blipactive = true,
blipColour = 1,
blipAlpha = 50,
BlipName = "Cath Chicken",
BlipSprite = 141,
BlipScale = 1.0,
AK4Y.AimBlockWeapons = {
["weapon_sniperrifle"] = true,
["weapon_pistol"] = true
AK4Y.AnimalItems = {
["a_c_deer"] = {
hash = -664053099,
BasicItem = "deer_meat",
RareItem = "deer_meat2",
["a_c_pig"] = {
hash = -1323586730,
BasicItem = "pig_meat",
RareItem = "pig_meat2",
["a_c_hen"] = {
hash = 1794449327,
BasicItem = "chicken_meat",
RareItem = "chicken_meat2",
AK4Y.ProgressTime = {
["a_c_deer"] = 10000,
["a_c_pig"] = 10000,
["a_c_hen"] = 10000,
["place_bait"] = 10000,
AK4Y.Languages = { --All notifications etc.
["bait_placed"] = "Bait Placed",
["not_in_zone_bait"] = "You are not in this bait zone",
["not_in_zone"] = "You are not in zone",
["wait"] = "You have to wait place another bait",
["wait"] = "a",
["far_from_animal"] = "You are so far from animal",
["player_in_close"] = "You can't do this while have a player in your around",
["cut_animal"] = "You have to cut animal",
["cancel"] = "Cancelled",
["shredded_meat"] = "shredded_meat",
["cant_cut_this_animal"] = "You can't cut this animal",
["not_look_animal"] = "You're not looking the animal",
["you_couldnt_catch"] = "You couldn't catch",
["need_level"] = "Your level in not yet the bait this animal.",
["cath_chicken"] = "[E] Catch Chicken",
["spam"] = "Do not spam",
["cant_shoot_out_of_zone"] = "You can't shoot when out of the zone",
["refill_ammo_in_zone"] = "Your ammo will be replenished when you enter the area",
AK4Y.HTMLTranslate = {
["generalTitleDescription"] = "Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ullam ea cupiditate veritatis maiores iusto amet sint tempora, illo nostrum quia aspernatur dolorum libero alias dolor.",
["wiki"] = "WIKI",
["market"] = "MARKET",
["sales"] = "SALES",
["tasks"] = "TASKS",
["lvlBuy"] = "LVL BUY",
["weapon"] = "WEAPON",
["animals"] = "ANIMALS",
["exp"] = "EXP",
["chicken"] = "CHICKEN",
["chickenDescriptionProgressBar"] = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem iure delectus excepturi eos, accusantium nisi!",
["deer"] = "DEER",
["deerDescriptionProgressBar"] = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem iure delectus excepturi eos, accusantium nisi!",
["pig"] = "PIG",
["pigDescriptionProgressBar"] = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem iure delectus excepturi eos, accusantium nisi!",
["hello"] = "Hello",
["level"] = "LEVEL",
["up"] = "UP",
["howAbout"] = "How about",
["buyingALevel"] = "buying a level?",
["levelBuy"] = "LEVEL BUY",
["setGps"] = "SET GPS",
["buy"] = "BUY",
["sell"] = "SELL",
["collected"] = "COLLECTED",
["reward"] = "REWARD",
["accept"] = "ACCEPT",
["cutting"] = "Cutting...",
Last updated
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