AK4Y = {}
AK4Y.Framework = "newEsx" -- qb / oldqb | qb = export system | oldqb = triggerevent system
AK4Y.Mysql = "oxmysql" -- Check fxmanifest.lua when you change it! | ghmattimysql / oxmysql / mysql-async
AK4Y.MaxCharSlot = 4
AK4Y.DefaultOpenCharSlot = 2
AK4Y.Interior = vector3(406.74, -953.56, -99.0) -- Interior to load where characters are previewed
AK4Y.DefaultSpawn = vector3(-1035.71, -2731.87, 12.86) -- Default spawn coords if you have start apartments disabled
AK4Y.PedCoords = vector4(406.68, -953.71, -100.0, 334.91) -- Create preview ped at these coordinates
AK4Y.HiddenCoords = vector4(-812.23, 182.54, 76.74, 156.5) -- Hides your actual ped while you are in selection
AK4Y.CamCoords = vector4(407.59, -951.7, -99.0, 155.91) -- Camera coordinates for character preview screen
AK4Y.StarterItems = {
{item = "water", amount = 1},
{item = "burger", amount = 1},
-- {item = "water", amount = 3},
-- {item = "burger", amount = 3},
-- {item = "phone", amount = 1},
AK4Y.PlayerLoaded = function(isNew)
AK4Y.TebexLink = ""
AK4Y.Translate = {
title = "AK4Y",
character = "CHARACTER",
selector = "SELECTOR",
firstDesc = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Egestas semper venenatis faucibus cras eleifend.",
createCharacter = "CREATE CHARACTER",
buySlot = "BUY SLOT",
play = "PLAY",
delete = "DELETE",
male = "MALE",
female = "FEMALE",
dateOfBirth = "DATE OF BIRTH",
height = "HEIGHT",
job = "JOB",
cash = "CASH",
bank = "BANK",
phoneNumber = "PHONE NUMBER",
accountNumber = "ACCOUNT NUMBER",
rightTitle1 = "CHARACTER",
rightTitle2 = "CREATOR",
rightDescription = "Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet.",
name = "NAME",
surname = "SURNAME",
create = "CREATE",
slot = "SLOT",
redeemCode = "REDEEM CODE",
buyCode = "BUY CODE",
cancel = "CANCEL",
accept = "ACCEPT",
loading = "LOADING!",
plsWait = "Please wait while your character information is loading!",
AK4Y.Default = {
["m"] = {
mom = 43,
dad = 29,
face_md_weight = 61,
skin_md_weight = 27,
nose_1 = -5,
nose_2 = 6,
nose_3 = 5,
nose_4 = 8,
nose_5 = 10,
nose_6 = 0,
cheeks_1 = 2,
cheeks_2 = -10,
cheeks_3 = 6,
lip_thickness = -2,
jaw_1 = 0,
jaw_2 = 0,
chin_1 = 0,
chin_2 = 0,
chin_13 = 0,
chin_4 = 0,
neck_thickness = 0,
hair_1 = 76,
hair_2 = 0,
hair_color_1 = 61,
hair_color_2 = 29,
tshirt_1 = 4,
tshirt_2 = 2,
torso_1 = 23,
torso_2 = 2,
decals_1 = 0,
decals_2 = 0,
arms = 1,
arms_2 = 0,
pants_1 = 28,
pants_2 = 3,
shoes_1 = 70,
shoes_2 = 2,
mask_1 = 0,
mask_2 = 0,
bproof_1 = 0,
bproof_2 = 0,
chain_1 = 22,
chain_2 = 2,
helmet_1 = -1,
helmet_2 = 0,
glasses_1 = 0,
glasses_2 = 0,
watches_1 = -1,
watches_2 = 0,
bracelets_1 = -1,
bracelets_2 = 0,
bags_1 = 0,
bags_2 = 0,
eye_color = 0,
eye_squint = 0,
eyebrows_2 = 0,
eyebrows_1 = 0,
eyebrows_3 = 0,
eyebrows_4 = 0,
eyebrows_5 = 0,
eyebrows_6 = 0,
makeup_1 = 0,
makeup_2 = 0,
makeup_3 = 0,
makeup_4 = 0,
lipstick_1 = 0,
lipstick_2 = 0,
lipstick_3 = 0,
lipstick_4 = 0,
ears_1 = -1,
ears_2 = 0,
chest_1 = 0,
chest_2 = 0,
chest_3 = 0,
bodyb_1 = -1,
bodyb_2 = 0,
bodyb_3 = -1,
bodyb_4 = 0,
age_1 = 0,
age_2 = 0,
blemishes_1 = 0,
blemishes_2 = 0,
blush_1 = 0,
blush_2 = 0,
blush_3 = 0,
complexion_1 = 0,
complexion_2 = 0,
sun_1 = 0,
sun_2 = 0,
moles_1 = 0,
moles_2 = 0,
beard_1 = 11,
beard_2 = 10,
beard_3 = 0,
beard_4 = 0
["f"] = {
mom = 28,
dad = 6,
face_md_weight = 63,
skin_md_weight = 60,
nose_1 = -10,
nose_2 = 4,
nose_3 = 5,
nose_4 = 0,
nose_5 = 0,
nose_6 = 0,
cheeks_1 = 0,
cheeks_2 = 0,
cheeks_3 = 0,
lip_thickness = 0,
jaw_1 = 0,
jaw_2 = 0,
chin_1 = -10,
chin_2 = 10,
chin_13 = -10,
chin_4 = 0,
neck_thickness = -5,
hair_1 = 43,
hair_2 = 0,
hair_color_1 = 29,
hair_color_2 = 35,
tshirt_1 = 111,
tshirt_2 = 5,
torso_1 = 25,
torso_2 = 2,
decals_1 = 0,
decals_2 = 0,
arms = 3,
arms_2 = 0,
pants_1 = 12,
pants_2 = 2,
shoes_1 = 20,
shoes_2 = 10,
mask_1 = 0,
mask_2 = 0,
bproof_1 = 0,
bproof_2 = 0,
chain_1 = 85,
chain_2 = 0,
helmet_1 = -1,
helmet_2 = 0,
glasses_1 = 33,
glasses_2 = 12,
watches_1 = -1,
watches_2 = 0,
bracelets_1 = -1,
bracelets_2 = 0,
bags_1 = 0,
bags_2 = 0,
eye_color = 8,
eye_squint = -6,
eyebrows_2 = 7,
eyebrows_1 = 32,
eyebrows_3 = 52,
eyebrows_4 = 9,
eyebrows_5 = -5,
eyebrows_6 = -8,
makeup_1 = 0,
makeup_2 = 0,
makeup_3 = 0,
makeup_4 = 0,
lipstick_1 = 0,
lipstick_2 = 0,
lipstick_3 = 0,
lipstick_4 = 0,
ears_1 = -1,
ears_2 = 0,
chest_1 = 0,
chest_2 = 0,
chest_3 = 0,
bodyb_1 = -1,
bodyb_2 = 0,
bodyb_3 = -1,
bodyb_4 = 0,
age_1 = 0,
age_2 = 0,
blemishes_1 = 0,
blemishes_2 = 0,
blush_1 = 0,
blush_2 = 0,
blush_3 = 0,
complexion_1 = 0,
complexion_2 = 0,
sun_1 = 0,
sun_2 = 0,
moles_1 = 12,
moles_2 = 8,
beard_1 = 0,
beard_2 = 0,
beard_3 = 0,
beard_4 = 0
AK4Y = {}
AK4Y.Framework = "qb" -- qb / oldqb | qb = export system | oldqb = triggerevent system
AK4Y.Mysql = "oxmysql" -- Check fxmanifest.lua when you change it! | ghmattimysql / oxmysql / mysql-async
AK4Y.CustomFrameWork = false
AK4Y.CustomFrameWorkExport = "qb-core"
AK4Y.TebexLink = ""
AK4Y.Translate = {
title = "AK4Y",
character = "CHARACTER",
selector = "SELECTOR",
firstDesc = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Egestas semper venenatis faucibus cras eleifend.",
createCharacter = "CREATE CHARACTER",
buySlot = "BUY SLOT",
play = "PLAY",
delete = "DELETE",
male = "MALE",
female = "FEMALE",
dateOfBirth = "DATE OF BIRTH",
nationality = "NATIONALITY",
job = "JOB",
cash = "CASH",
bank = "BANK",
phoneNumber = "PHONE NUMBER",
accountNumber = "ACCOUNT NUMBER",
rightTitle1 = "CHARACTER",
rightTitle2 = "CREATOR",
rightDescription = "Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet.",
name = "NAME",
surname = "SURNAME",
create = "CREATE",
slot = "SLOT",
redeemCode = "REDEEM CODE",
buyCode = "BUY CODE",
cancel = "CANCEL",
accept = "ACCEPT",
loading = "LOADING!",
plsWait = "Please wait while your character information is loading!",
AK4Y.MaxCharSlot = 4
AK4Y.DefaultOpenCharSlot = 2
AK4Y.UseQbApartments = false
AK4Y.Interior = vector3(406.74, -953.56, -99.0) -- Interior to load where characters are previewed
AK4Y.DefaultSpawn = vector3(-1035.71, -2731.87, 12.86) -- Default spawn coords if you have start apartments disabled
AK4Y.PedCoords = vector4(406.68, -953.71, -100.0, 334.91) -- Create preview ped at these coordinates
AK4Y.HiddenCoords = vector4(-812.23, 182.54, 76.74, 156.5) -- Hides your actual ped while you are in selection
AK4Y.CamCoords = vector4(407.59, -951.7, -99.0, 155.91) -- Camera coordinates for character preview screen
AK4Y.EnableDeleteButton = true -- doesnt work now, i will release an update
AK4Y.DefaultNumberOfCharacters = 5 -- Define maximum amount of default characters (maximum 5 characters defined by default)
AK4Y.PlayersNumberOfCharacters = { -- Define maximum amount of player characters by rockstar license (you can find this license in your server's database in the player table)
{ license = "license:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", numberOfChars = 2 },
AK4Y.StarterItems = {
{item = "id_card", amount = 1},
{item = "driver_license", amount = 1},
-- {item = "water", amount = 3},
-- {item = "burger", amount = 3},
-- {item = "phone", amount = 1},
AK4Y.PlayerLoaded = function(citizenId)
Last updated
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