AK4Y.Translate = {
main1 = "DONATE",
main2 = "SHOP",
exit = "Exit",
plateChange = "PLATE CHANGE",
numberChange = "NUMBER CHANGE",
enterPlate = "ENTER PLATE",
plateDescription = "You can change your plate number with this feature.",
enterNumber = "ENTER NUMBER",
numberDescription = "You can change your phone number with this feature.",
cancelText = "Cancel",
changeText = "CHANGE",
discText = "DISC",
bundlesText = "BUNDLES",
weaponText = "Weapons",
itemsText = "Items",
vehiclesText = "Vehicles",
moneysText = "Moneys",
buyPackText = "Buy Pack",
donateBuyMenu = "DONATE BUY MENU",
wantToBuy = "DO YOU WANT TO BUY?",
buyDescription = "You can buy this item with the price of",
customPlateText = "Custom Plate",
helloText = "Hello",
congratulationsText = "Congratulations",
congratulationsDescription = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Ac velit fames egestas turpis lectus. Cursus cursus.",
informationText = "Information",
informationDescription = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.",
boughtInformationDescription = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.",
collectText = "Collect",
bundleListText = "BUNDLE LIST",
packListText = "PACK LIST",
contentsText = "Contents;",
packPreviewText = "Pack Preview",
testText = "Test",
itemsText = "Items",
houseListText = "HOUSE LIST",
vehicleListText = "VEHICLE LIST",
customizationListText = "CUSTOMIZATION LIST",
itemListText = "ITEM LIST",
itemQuantityText = "Item Quantity",
doYouNeedText = "Do you NEED",
buyCoinText = "BUY COIN",
openMenuText = "Open Menu",
dealsText = "DEALS",
productsText = "PRODUCTS",
hotDealsText = "HOT DEALS",
coinRedeemCodeText = "COIN REDEEM CODE",
enterCodeText = "Enter Code",
redeemCodeEnterText = "Redeem Code Enter",
enterText = "Enter",
filterText = "Filter (Scroll)",
redeemInformationText = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.",
youDontHaveEnoughCoinText = "You dont have enough coin.",
priceHasChangedText = "Price has changed.",
plateLengthError = "Plate number must be Min: 6 - Max: 8 characters.",
numberLengthError = "Phone number must be Min: 6 - Max: 8 characters.",
testDriveStarted = "Test Drive Started",
testDriveEnded = "Test Drive Ended",
testDriveRemaining = "Test Drive Remaining: ",
youHaveToBeInVehicle = "You have to be in a vehicle.",
phoneNumberChanged = "Phone number changed.",
redeemSuccessText = "Redeem Success",
codeNotFoundText = "Code not found.",
locationMarked = "Location marked.",
plateHasOwnerText = "This plate has an owner.",
soFarFromTestDriveArea = "You are so far from the test drive area.",
Last updated
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