AK4Y = {}
AK4Y.Framework = "esx" -- esx or newEsx
AK4Y.Mysql = "mysql-async" -- Check fxmanifest.lua when you change it! | oxmysql / mysql-async
AK4Y.OpenMenuCommand = "donate" -- code to open the donate menu
AK4Y.WeaponType = "item" -- weapon or item
AK4Y.CustomPlatePriceOnBuyVehicle = 20 -- Customization price at the time of vehicle purchase
AK4Y.Phone = "gcphone" -- gcphone or qb-phone
AK4Y.MinCharForPhoneNumber = 1 -- Minimum number of characters required for a special number
AK4Y.MinCharForPlate = 1 -- Minimum number of characters required for a custom plate
AK4Y.MaxCharForPhoneNumber = 7 -- Minimum number of characters required for a special number
AK4Y.MaxCharForPlate = 8 -- Minimum number of characters required for a custom plate
AK4Y.DefaultGarage = 'pillboxgarage' -- Garage name where the vehicle will be sent after purchase
AK4Y.WeaponType = "item" -- item or weapon
AK4Y.UseTebex = false -- Do you use tebex to sell code?
AK4Y.GiveAddKeys = true -- Automatic key issuance after changing the license plate of the vehicle
AK4Y.GiveAddKeysFunction = function(newPlate)
TriggerEvent("vehiclekeys:client:SetOwner", newPlate)
AK4Y.ClientNotify = function(text, NotifType)
QBCore.Functions.Notify(text, NotifType)
AK4Y.Translate = {
title1 = "AK4Y",
title2 = "DONATE",
speed = "km/h",
credit = "CR",
customizeTitle = "Customize",
customizeInfo = "You have to in your car which is want to customize.",
thanksForPurchasing = "Thanks for purchasing!",
buyCreditButton = "BUY CREDIT",
approveButton = "APPROVE",
buyButtonText = "BUY",
redeemCodeTitle1 = "REDEEM",
redeemCodeTitle2 = "CODE",
redeemCodeDesc = "Lorem ipsum",
redeemCodeBelow = "YOU CAN ENTER TE CODE BELOW",
carDoYouNeedTitle1 = "DO YOU NEED",
carDoYouNeedTitle2 = "A CAR?",
carButtonText = "CAR",
otherInfo = "Click for details",
otherButton = "OTHER",
otherDesc = "You can go to the customization menu by clicking the button above.",
moneyInfo = "Click for details",
moneyButtonText = "MONEY",
moneyDesc = "You can go to the money purchase menu by clicking the button above.",
gunTitle1 = "DO YOU NEED",
gunTitle2 = "A GUN?",
gunButtonText = "GUN",
vehBuyCustomPlateText = "Do you want a custom plate? <span id='cstmPltPrice'></span>",
customPlateText = "Enter your custom plate (Max 6 char.)",
privNumberText = "Enter your private number (Max 7 char.)<br>You will drop on game after purchasing!",
dontHaveEnoughtCredit = "You dont have enough credit!",
minimumChar = "Minimum Char: ",
MaximumChar = " Maximum Char: ",
typeNumber = "You have to type number!",
errorDuringPurchase = "An error occurred during purchase",
insideVehicle = "To buy this customization, you must be inside the vehicle!",
openSpam = "Wait a while to open the menu again",
spamNotify = "Spam protection, try again",
AK4Y.BuyCredits = {
[1] = {
title = "100$",
image = "./images/firstBoxCash.png",
credit = "300 CR",
extraCredit = "+60 Bonus CR",
link = "",
[2] = {
title = "200$",
image = "./images/secondBoxCash.png",
credit = "500 CR",
extraCredit = "+100 Bonus CR",
link = "",
[3] = {
title = "1000$",
image = "./images/thirtBoxCash.png",
credit = "2000 CR",
extraCredit = "+500 Bonus CR",
link = "",
[4] = {
title = "500$",
image = "./images/fourBoxCash.png",
credit = "1000 CR",
extraCredit = "+250 Bonus CR",
link = "",
-- Do not add new categories
-- If you want to remove a category, you can put it in the comment line
-- If you put a category in the comment line, put the products sold in that category in the comment line
-- you should not change categoryId
AK4Y.Categories = {
{ label = "VEHICLE", categoryId = "vehicle" },
{ label = "AIR", categoryId = "helicopters" },
{ label = "ITEMS", categoryId = "items" },
{ label = "WEAPON", categoryId = "weapon" },
{ label = "MONEY", categoryId = "money" },
{ label = "CUSTOMIZE", categoryId = "other" },
AK4Y.Vehicles = {
id = 1,
spawnName = "zentorno", -- Spawn code of the vehicle that will be given when the product is received
brand = "AUDI",
model = "RS Q8",
year = "2022 MODEL",
costCredit = 2450, -- The price to be paid for the product
topSpeed = 250, -- Top speed of the product
topSpeedGraph = 90, -- Percentage of product top speed
brakingPower = 50, -- Percentage of braking power of the product
robustness = 90, -- Percentage of product robustness
vehType = "car", -- do not change
carImage = "./images/audi.png",
id = 2,
spawnName = "zentorno", -- Spawn code of the vehicle that will be given when the product is received
brand = "AUDI",
model = "RS Q8",
year = "2022 MODEL",
costCredit = 2300, -- The price to be paid for the product
topSpeed = 250, -- Top speed of the product
topSpeedGraph = 90, -- Percentage of product top speed
brakingPower = 50, -- Percentage of braking power of the product
robustness = 90, -- Percentage of product robustness
vehType = "car", -- do not change
carImage = "./images/audi.png",
id = 3,
spawnName = "zentorno", -- Spawn code of the vehicle that will be given when the product is received
brand = "AUDI",
model = "RS Q8",
year = "2022 MODEL",
costCredit = 2200, -- The price to be paid for the product
topSpeed = 250, -- Top speed of the product
topSpeedGraph = 90, -- Percentage of product top speed
brakingPower = 50, -- Percentage of braking power of the product
robustness = 90, -- Percentage of product robustness
vehType = "car", -- do not change
carImage = "./images/audi.png",
id = 4,
spawnName = "zentorno", -- Spawn code of the vehicle that will be given when the product is received
brand = "AUDI",
model = "RS Q8",
year = "2022 MODEL",
costCredit = 2850, -- The price to be paid for the product
topSpeed = 250, -- Top speed of the product
topSpeedGraph = 90, -- Percentage of product top speed
brakingPower = 50, -- Percentage of braking power of the product
robustness = 90, -- Percentage of product robustness
vehType = "car", -- do not change
carImage = "./images/audi.png",
id = 5,
spawnName = "zentorno", -- Spawn code of the vehicle that will be given when the product is received
brand = "AUDI",
model = "RS Q8",
year = "2022 MODEL",
costCredit = 2450, -- The price to be paid for the product
topSpeed = 250, -- Top speed of the product
topSpeedGraph = 90, -- Percentage of product top speed
brakingPower = 50, -- Percentage of braking power of the product
robustness = 90, -- Percentage of product robustness
vehType = "car", -- do not change
carImage = "./images/audi.png",
id = 6,
spawnName = "zentorno", -- Spawn code of the vehicle that will be given when the product is received
brand = "AUDI",
model = "RS Q8",
year = "2022 MODEL",
costCredit = 2300, -- The price to be paid for the product
topSpeed = 250, -- Top speed of the product
topSpeedGraph = 90, -- Percentage of product top speed
brakingPower = 50, -- Percentage of braking power of the product
robustness = 90, -- Percentage of product robustness
vehType = "car", -- do not change
carImage = "./images/audi.png",
id = 7,
spawnName = "zentorno", -- Spawn code of the vehicle that will be given when the product is received
brand = "AUDI",
model = "RS Q8",
year = "2022 MODEL",
costCredit = 2200, -- The price to be paid for the product
topSpeed = 250, -- Top speed of the product
topSpeedGraph = 90, -- Percentage of product top speed
brakingPower = 50, -- Percentage of braking power of the product
robustness = 90, -- Percentage of product robustness
vehType = "car", -- do not change
carImage = "./images/audi.png",
id = 8,
spawnName = "zentorno", -- Spawn code of the vehicle that will be given when the product is received
brand = "AUDI",
model = "RS Q8",
year = "2022 MODEL",
costCredit = 2850, -- The price to be paid for the product
topSpeed = 250, -- Top speed of the product
topSpeedGraph = 90, -- Percentage of product top speed
brakingPower = 50, -- Percentage of braking power of the product
robustness = 90, -- Percentage of product robustness
vehType = "car", -- do not change
carImage = "./images/audi.png",
AK4Y.Helicopters = {
id = 1,
spawnName = "frogger", -- Spawn code of the vehicle that will be given when the product is received
brand = "AUDI",
model = "RS Q8",
year = "2022 MODEL",
costCredit = 2850, -- The price to be paid for the product
topSpeed = 250, -- Top speed of the product
topSpeedGraph = 90, -- Percentage of product top speed
brakingPower = 50, -- Percentage of braking power of the product
robustness = 90, -- Percentage of product robustness
vehType = "air", -- do not change
carImage = "./images/helicopter.png",
id = 2,
spawnName = "frogger", -- Spawn code of the vehicle that will be given when the product is received
brand = "AUDI",
model = "RS Q8",
year = "2022 MODEL",
costCredit = 2850, -- The price to be paid for the product
topSpeed = 250, -- Top speed of the product
topSpeedGraph = 90, -- Percentage of product top speed
brakingPower = 50, -- Percentage of braking power of the product
robustness = 90, -- Percentage of product robustness
vehType = "air", -- do not change
carImage = "./images/helicopter.png",
AK4Y.Items = {
id = 1,
itemName = "water",
itemCount = 5,
label = "Water",
costCredit = 1000,
image = "./images/phone.png",
AK4Y.Weapons = {
id = 1,
weaponName = "weapon_pistol",
label = "HEAVY SHOTGUN",
costCredit = 2550,
image = "./images/guns.png",
id = 2,
weaponName = "weapon_pistol",
label = "HEAVY SHOTGUN",
costCredit = 2530,
image = "./images/guns.png",
id = 3,
weaponName = "weapon_pistol",
label = "HEAVY SHOTGUN",
costCredit = 2150,
image = "./images/guns.png",
id = 4,
weaponName = "weapon_pistol",
label = "HEAVY SHOTGUN",
costCredit = 2570,
image = "./images/guns.png",
AK4Y.Money = {
id = 1,
label = "100.000 DOLLAR",
costCredit = 100, -- Credit to be paid for the product
inGameMoney = 100000, -- In-game money to be given to the character after purchase
image = "./images/moneyImage.png",
id = 2,
label = "200.000 DOLLAR",
costCredit = 200, -- Credit to be paid for the product
inGameMoney = 200000, -- In-game money to be given to the character after purchase
image = "./images/moneyImage.png",
id = 3,
label = "300.000 DOLLAR",
costCredit = 300, -- Credit to be paid for the product
inGameMoney = 300000, -- In-game money to be given to the character after purchase
image = "./images/moneyImage.png",
id = 4,
label = "400.000 DOLLAR",
costCredit = 400, -- Credit to be paid for the product
inGameMoney = 400000, -- In-game money to be given to the character after purchase
image = "./images/moneyImage.png",
-- do not change
-- do not change
-- If you want to close it, put it in the comment line
AK4Y.Customize = {
{id = 1, label = "PRIVATE PHONE NUMBER", costCredit = 50, IType = "privNumber", image = "./images/phone.png"},
{id = 2, label = "PLATE CUSTOMIZATION", costCredit = 50, IType = "customPlate", image = "./images/platee.png"}
AK4Y = {}
AK4Y.Framework = "qb" -- qb / oldqb | qb = export system | oldqb = triggerevent system
AK4Y.Mysql = "oxmysql" -- Check fxmanifest.lua when you change it! | oxmysql / mysql-async
AK4Y.OpenMenuCommand = "donate" -- code to open the donate menu
AK4Y.WeaponType = "item" -- weapon or item
AK4Y.CustomPlatePriceOnBuyVehicle = 20 -- Customization price at the time of vehicle purchase
AK4Y.Phone = "qb-phone" -- gcphone or qb-phone
AK4Y.MinCharForPhoneNumber = 1 -- Minimum number of characters required for a special number
AK4Y.MinCharForPlate = 1 -- Minimum number of characters required for a custom plate
AK4Y.MaxCharForPhoneNumber = 7 -- Minimum number of characters required for a special number
AK4Y.MaxCharForPlate = 8 -- Minimum number of characters required for a custom plate
AK4Y.DefaultGarage = 'pillboxgarage' -- Garage name where the vehicle will be sent after purchase
AK4Y.WeaponType = "item" -- item or weapon
AK4Y.UseTebex = false -- Do you use tebex to sell code?
AK4Y.GiveAddKeys = true -- Automatic key issuance after changing the license plate of the vehicle
AK4Y.GiveAddKeysFunction = function(newPlate)
TriggerEvent("vehiclekeys:client:SetOwner", newPlate)
AK4Y.ClientNotify = function(text, NotifType)
QBCore.Functions.Notify(text, NotifType)
AK4Y.Translate = {
title1 = "AK4Y",
title2 = "DONATE",
speed = "km/h",
credit = "CR",
customizeTitle = "Customize",
customizeInfo = "You have to in your car which is want to customize.",
thanksForPurchasing = "Thanks for purchasing!",
buyCreditButton = "BUY CREDIT",
approveButton = "APPROVE",
buyButtonText = "BUY",
redeemCodeTitle1 = "REDEEM",
redeemCodeTitle2 = "CODE",
redeemCodeDesc = "Lorem ipsum",
redeemCodeBelow = "YOU CAN ENTER TE CODE BELOW",
carDoYouNeedTitle1 = "DO YOU NEED",
carDoYouNeedTitle2 = "A CAR?",
carButtonText = "CAR",
otherInfo = "Click for details",
otherButton = "OTHER",
otherDesc = "You can go to the customization menu by clicking the button above.",
moneyInfo = "Click for details",
moneyButtonText = "MONEY",
moneyDesc = "You can go to the money purchase menu by clicking the button above.",
gunTitle1 = "DO YOU NEED",
gunTitle2 = "A GUN?",
gunButtonText = "GUN",
vehBuyCustomPlateText = "Do you want a custom plate? <span id='cstmPltPrice'></span>",
customPlateText = "Enter your custom plate (Max 6 char.)",
privNumberText = "Enter your private number (Max 7 char.)<br>You will drop on game after purchasing!",
dontHaveEnoughtCredit = "You dont have enough credit!",
minimumChar = "Minimum Char: ",
MaximumChar = " Maximum Char: ",
typeNumber = "You have to type number!",
errorDuringPurchase = "An error occurred during purchase",
insideVehicle = "To buy this customization, you must be inside the vehicle!",
openSpam = "Wait a while to open the menu again",
spamNotify = "Spam protection, try again",
AK4Y.BuyCredits = {
[1] = {
title = "100$",
image = "./images/firstBoxCash.png",
credit = "300 CR",
extraCredit = "+60 Bonus CR",
link = "",
[2] = {
title = "200$",
image = "./images/secondBoxCash.png",
credit = "500 CR",
extraCredit = "+100 Bonus CR",
link = "",
[3] = {
title = "1000$",
image = "./images/thirtBoxCash.png",
credit = "2000 CR",
extraCredit = "+500 Bonus CR",
link = "",
[4] = {
title = "500$",
image = "./images/fourBoxCash.png",
credit = "1000 CR",
extraCredit = "+250 Bonus CR",
link = "",
-- Do not add new categories
-- If you want to remove a category, you can put it in the comment line
-- If you put a category in the comment line, put the products sold in that category in the comment line
-- you should not change categoryId
AK4Y.Categories = {
{ label = "VEHICLE", categoryId = "vehicle" },
{ label = "AIR", categoryId = "helicopters" },
{ label = "ITEMS", categoryId = "items" },
{ label = "WEAPON", categoryId = "weapon" },
{ label = "MONEY", categoryId = "money" },
{ label = "CUSTOMIZE", categoryId = "other" },
AK4Y.Vehicles = {
id = 1,
spawnName = "zentorno", -- Spawn code of the vehicle that will be given when the product is received
brand = "Zentorno",
model = "",
year = "2022 MODEL",
costCredit = 2450, -- The price to be paid for the product
topSpeed = 310, -- Top speed of the product
topSpeedGraph = 90, -- Percentage of product top speed
brakingPower = 50, -- Percentage of braking power of the product
robustness = 90, -- Percentage of product robustness
vehType = "car", -- do not change
carImage = "./images/Zentorno.png",
id = 2,
spawnName = "zentorno", -- Spawn code of the vehicle that will be given when the product is received
brand = "AUDI",
model = "RS Q8",
year = "2022 MODEL",
costCredit = 2300, -- The price to be paid for the product
topSpeed = 250, -- Top speed of the product
topSpeedGraph = 90, -- Percentage of product top speed
brakingPower = 50, -- Percentage of braking power of the product
robustness = 90, -- Percentage of product robustness
vehType = "car", -- do not change
carImage = "./images/audi.png",
id = 3,
spawnName = "zentorno", -- Spawn code of the vehicle that will be given when the product is received
brand = "AUDI",
model = "RS Q8",
year = "2022 MODEL",
costCredit = 2200, -- The price to be paid for the product
topSpeed = 250, -- Top speed of the product
topSpeedGraph = 90, -- Percentage of product top speed
brakingPower = 50, -- Percentage of braking power of the product
robustness = 90, -- Percentage of product robustness
vehType = "car", -- do not change
carImage = "./images/audi.png",
id = 4,
spawnName = "zentorno", -- Spawn code of the vehicle that will be given when the product is received
brand = "AUDI",
model = "RS Q8",
year = "2022 MODEL",
costCredit = 2850, -- The price to be paid for the product
topSpeed = 250, -- Top speed of the product
topSpeedGraph = 90, -- Percentage of product top speed
brakingPower = 50, -- Percentage of braking power of the product
robustness = 90, -- Percentage of product robustness
vehType = "car", -- do not change
carImage = "./images/audi.png",
id = 5,
spawnName = "zentorno", -- Spawn code of the vehicle that will be given when the product is received
brand = "AUDI",
model = "RS Q8",
year = "2022 MODEL",
costCredit = 2450, -- The price to be paid for the product
topSpeed = 250, -- Top speed of the product
topSpeedGraph = 90, -- Percentage of product top speed
brakingPower = 50, -- Percentage of braking power of the product
robustness = 90, -- Percentage of product robustness
vehType = "car", -- do not change
carImage = "./images/audi.png",
id = 6,
spawnName = "zentorno", -- Spawn code of the vehicle that will be given when the product is received
brand = "AUDI",
model = "RS Q8",
year = "2022 MODEL",
costCredit = 2300, -- The price to be paid for the product
topSpeed = 250, -- Top speed of the product
topSpeedGraph = 90, -- Percentage of product top speed
brakingPower = 50, -- Percentage of braking power of the product
robustness = 90, -- Percentage of product robustness
vehType = "car", -- do not change
carImage = "./images/audi.png",
id = 7,
spawnName = "zentorno", -- Spawn code of the vehicle that will be given when the product is received
brand = "AUDI",
model = "RS Q8",
year = "2022 MODEL",
costCredit = 2200, -- The price to be paid for the product
topSpeed = 250, -- Top speed of the product
topSpeedGraph = 90, -- Percentage of product top speed
brakingPower = 50, -- Percentage of braking power of the product
robustness = 90, -- Percentage of product robustness
vehType = "car", -- do not change
carImage = "./images/audi.png",
id = 8,
spawnName = "zentorno", -- Spawn code of the vehicle that will be given when the product is received
brand = "AUDI",
model = "RS Q8",
year = "2022 MODEL",
costCredit = 2850, -- The price to be paid for the product
topSpeed = 250, -- Top speed of the product
topSpeedGraph = 90, -- Percentage of product top speed
brakingPower = 50, -- Percentage of braking power of the product
robustness = 90, -- Percentage of product robustness
vehType = "car", -- do not change
carImage = "./images/audi.png",
AK4Y.Helicopters = {
id = 1,
spawnName = "frogger", -- Spawn code of the vehicle that will be given when the product is received
brand = "Frogger",
model = "",
year = "2022 MODEL",
costCredit = 2850, -- The price to be paid for the product
topSpeed = 250, -- Top speed of the product
topSpeedGraph = 60, -- Percentage of product top speed
brakingPower = 30, -- Percentage of braking power of the product
robustness = 90, -- Percentage of product robustness
vehType = "air", -- do not change
carImage = "./images/helicopter.png",
id = 2,
spawnName = "frogger", -- Spawn code of the vehicle that will be given when the product is received
brand = "AUDI",
model = "RS Q8",
year = "2022 MODEL",
costCredit = 2850, -- The price to be paid for the product
topSpeed = 250, -- Top speed of the product
topSpeedGraph = 90, -- Percentage of product top speed
brakingPower = 50, -- Percentage of braking power of the product
robustness = 90, -- Percentage of product robustness
vehType = "air", -- do not change
carImage = "./images/helicopter.png",
AK4Y.Items = {
id = 1,
itemName = "water",
itemCount = 5,
label = "Water",
costCredit = 1000,
image = "./images/phone.png",
AK4Y.Weapons = {
id = 1,
weaponName = "weapon_heavyshotgun",
label = "HEAVY SHOTGUN",
costCredit = 2550,
image = "./images/guns.png",
id = 2,
weaponName = "weapon_pistol",
label = "HEAVY SHOTGUN",
costCredit = 2530,
image = "./images/guns.png",
id = 3,
weaponName = "weapon_pistol",
label = "HEAVY SHOTGUN",
costCredit = 2150,
image = "./images/guns.png",
id = 4,
weaponName = "weapon_pistol",
label = "HEAVY SHOTGUN",
costCredit = 2570,
image = "./images/guns.png",
AK4Y.Money = {
id = 1,
label = "100.000 DOLLAR",
costCredit = 100, -- Credit to be paid for the product
inGameMoney = 100000, -- In-game money to be given to the character after purchase
image = "./images/moneyImage.png",
id = 2,
label = "200.000 DOLLAR",
costCredit = 200, -- Credit to be paid for the product
inGameMoney = 200000, -- In-game money to be given to the character after purchase
image = "./images/moneyImage.png",
id = 3,
label = "300.000 DOLLAR",
costCredit = 300, -- Credit to be paid for the product
inGameMoney = 300000, -- In-game money to be given to the character after purchase
image = "./images/moneyImage.png",
id = 4,
label = "400.000 DOLLAR",
costCredit = 400, -- Credit to be paid for the product
inGameMoney = 400000, -- In-game money to be given to the character after purchase
image = "./images/moneyImage.png",
-- do not change
-- do not change
-- If you want to close it, put it in the comment line
AK4Y.Customize = {
{id = 1, label = "PRIVATE PHONE NUMBER", costCredit = 50, IType = "privNumber", image = "./images/phone.png"},
{id = 2, label = "PLATE CUSTOMIZATION", costCredit = 50, IType = "customPlate", image = "./images/platee.png"}
Last updated
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