
AK4Y = {}

-- qb / oldqb | qb = export system | oldqb = triggerevent system
-- esx / errorEsx | esx = export system | errorEsx = if you have any error in f8 console
AK4Y.Framework = "qb" 
AK4Y.Mysql = "oxmysql" -- Check fxmanifest.lua when you change it! | ghmattimysql / oxmysql / mysql-async

AK4Y.BallModel = "p_ld_soc_ball_01" --
AK4Y.BallSpawnCoord = vector3(771.28, -233.44, 65.32) -- x,y,z
AK4Y.FootballAreaCoords = vector3(786.38, -245.04, 66.11) -- x,y,z
AK4Y.FootballerNpcCoords = vector4(813.65, -244.89, 66.21, 104.8) -- x,y,z,h
AK4Y.MaleClothingNumber = 442
AK4Y.FemaleClothingNumber = 473 
AK4Y.KickTime = 60000 -- player can not join the match for 60 seconds after kick
AK4Y.JoinPaymentMethod = "bank" -- cash / bank
AK4Y.CancelMatchAfterCreate = 320 -- second | if you dont start the match in 5 minutes, match will be canceled

AK4Y.GoalEffect = {
	Active = true, -- true / false
	Dict ="proj_indep_firework_v2" , --
	Name = "scr_firework_indep_repeat_burst_rwb",  --

AK4Y.AddActionScore = {
	score = 10, -- score / goal
	shoot = 1, -- shoot 
	saveGoal = 3, -- save goal -- eklenecek
	goalToMyTeam = -15, -- goal to my team

AK4Y.Buttons = {
	["shoot"] = 38,
	["shootdowner"] = 52,
	["throwBall"] = 306,
	["dropBall"] = 301,
	["jumpUpLeft"] = 117,
	["jumpUpRight"] = 118,
	["jumpDownLeft"] = 124,
	["jumpDownRight"] = 125,
	["holdball"] = 110,
	["slideButton"] = 23,
	["rainbowButton"] = 47,

AK4Y.FootballerNpcSettings = {
	pedName = "ig_mrk",
	pedHash = 0xEDDCAB6D,
	h = 112.38,

AK4Y.createSettings = {
    matchCreatePrice = 2000, -- match create price
    matchCreatePriceType = "cash", -- cash / bank

AK4Y.createBetSettings = {
    minBet = 1000, -- min bet amount
    maxBet = 100000, -- max bet amount

AK4Y.playerBetSettings = {
    minBet = 1000, -- min bet amount
    maxBet = 100000, -- max bet amount

AK4Y.matchCoords = {
    redTeam = { 
        { position = "goalKeeper", label = "Goalkeeper", cloth = 6, x = 741.28, y = -218.9, z = 65.11, h = 239.31 },
        { position = "leftDefender", label = "Left Defender", cloth = 7, x = 753.41, y = -214.03, z = 65.11, h = 239.31 },
        { position = "rightDefender", label = "Right Defender", cloth = 8, x = 744.74, y = -231.59, z = 65.12, h = 239.31 },
        { position = "middleDefender", label = "Middle Defender", cloth = 9, x = 753.55, y = -224.94, z = 65.12, h = 239.31 },
        { position = "leftForward", label = "Left Forward", cloth = 10, x = 767.03, y = -221.31, z = 65.12, h = 239.31 },
        { position = "rightForward", label = "Right Forward", cloth = 11, x = 758.87, y = -238.73, z = 65.11, h = 239.31 },
    blueTeam = {
        { position = "goalKeeper", label = "Goalkeeper", cloth = 0, x = 801.23, y = -248.54, z = 65.11, h = 64.30 },
        { position = "leftDefender", label = "Left Defender", cloth = 1, x = 789.73, y = -253.52, z = 65.11, h = 64.30 },
        { position = "rightDefender", label = "Right Defender", cloth = 2, x = 798.9, y = -236.77, z = 65.12, h = 64.30 },
        { position = "middleDefender", label = "Middle Defender", cloth = 3, x = 790.97, y = -243.59, z = 65.12, h = 64.30 },
        { position = "leftForward", label = "Left Forward", cloth = 4, x = 775.3, y = -246.77, z = 65.12, h = 64.30 },
        { position = "rightForward", label = "Right Forward", cloth = 5, x = 783.72, y = -229.55, z = 65.11, h = 64.30 },
	afterGoal = { 
		pos1 = { x = 769.65, y = -236.52, z = 66.11, h = 331.09 },
		pos2 = { x = 772.25, y = -230.92, z = 66.11, h = 153.36 },

AK4Y.matchTimeSelects = {
    { time = 5, label = "5 Minute" }, -- time = minute
    { time = 10, label = "10 Minute" }, 
    { time = 15, label = "15 Minute" },
    { time = 20, label = "20 Minute" },

AK4Y.activeInfos = {
    { text = "Active Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Tincidunt leo sednunc, quisque." },

AK4Y.Language = {
    generalTitle = "AK4Y.RP", 
	generalTitle2 = "FOOTBALL",
	popUpTitle = "AK4Y-FOOTBALL",
	createMatchTitle = "Create Match",
	createSubText = "Create a match with your own settings.",
	wantLeavePopUpTitle = "Are you sure you want to leave the match?",
	wantLeavePopUpDescription = "If you leave the match, you wont lose your bet.",
	wantToCancelTheMatchPopUpTitle = "Are you sure you want to cancel the match?",
	wantToCancelTheMatchPopUpDescription = "If you cancel the match, you will lose your money.",
	wantStartMatchTitle = "Start Match",
	wantToStartMatch = "Are you sure you want to start the match?",
	placeBetRedTeamButton = "Place Bet (Red)",
	placeBetBlueTeamButton = "Place Bet (Blue)",
	youWantTakeBet = "Do you want to take the bet?",
	youWantTakeBetDescription = "If you win the bet, you win 2x your stake! If you lose, you lose all your money...",
	cancelButtonText = "Cancel",
	acceptButtonText = "Accept",
	emptySlotText = "Empty Slot",
	openLobbyMenu = "Open Lobby Menu",
	cannotMoveText = "You cannot move because the game has not started.",
	activeText = "Active",
	matchesText = "Matches",
	teamText = "TEAM",
	scoreText = "Score",
	rankText = "Rank",
	nameText = "Name",
	scoreText = "Score",
	matchText = "Match",
	createText = "Create",
	goalsText = "Goals",
	ShotsText = "Shots",
	pingText = "Ping",
	footballTitle = "FOOTBALL",
	leaderBoardText = "LEADERBOARD",
	goaaaalText = "Goaaaal",
	lobbyMenuText = "LOBBY MENU",
	informationText = "Information",
	informationDescription = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Tincidunt leo sednunc, quisque.",
	bettingText = "BETTING",
	teamNameText = "Team Name",
	countOfViewerText = "Count of Viewer",
	viewersText = "Viewers",
	waitingForTheMatchText = "Waiting for the match to start.",
	startTheMatchText = "Start the match",
	bettingPopUpTitle1 = "CREATE",
	bettingPopUpTitle2 = "BETTING",
	enterTheBetAmountText = "Enter the bet amount;",
	startBetText = "Start Bet",
	footbalManagerTitle1 = "FOOTBALL",
	footbalManagerTitle2 = "MANAGER",
	createAFootbalMatchText = "CREATE A FOOTBALL MATCH",
	selectMatchTimeText = "Select Match Time",
	selectMatchModeText = "Select Match Mode",
	matchBettingText = "Match Betting",
	setBetText = "Set Bet",
	somebodyPlayingFootballNowTitle = "SOMEBODY PLAYING FOOTBALL NOW",
	noteText = "Note",
	continueMatchDescription = "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Tincidunt leo sednunc, quisque.",
	footballBettingText = "Football Betting;",
	createBetText = "Create Bet",
	versusText = "VS",
	placeBetForRedTeamText = "Place Bet (Red)",
	placeBetForBlueTeamText = "Place Bet (Blue)",
	matchModeText = "Match Mode", 
	matchJoinPriceText = "Match Join Price",
	joinMatchText = "Join Match",
	freeText = "Free",
	youWinText = "YOU WIN ",
	youLoseText = "YOU LOSE",
	youDrawText = "DRAW",
	continueText = "CONTINUE",
 	endMatchText = "END MATCH",
	isWinnerText = "IS WINNER", 

AK4Y.KeyBoardInfos = {
	{ key = "E", label = "Shoot (Upper)", pos = "all" },
	{ key = "Q", label = "Shoot (Lower)", pos = "all" },
	{ key = "F", label = "Slide", pos = "all" },
	{ key = "G", label = "Rainbow", pos = "all" },
	-- { key = "N", label = "Reaction Menu", pos = "all" },
	{ key = "CAPS", label = "Scoreboard", pos = "all" },
	{ key = "NUMPAD9", label = "Jump Up Left", pos = "goalKeeper" },
	{ key = "NUMPAD7", label = "Jump Up Right", pos = "goalKeeper" },
	{ key = "NUMPAD6", label = "Jump Down Left", pos = "goalKeeper" },
	{ key = "NUMPAD4", label = "Jump Down Right", pos = "goalKeeper" },
	{ key = "NUMPAD5", label = "Hold Ball", pos = "goalKeeper" },
	{ key = "N", label = "Throw Ball", pos = "goalKeeper" },
	{ key = "M", label = "Drop Ball", pos = "goalKeeper" },

AK4Y.DrawText = {
	plyInPos = "There\'s a player in position: ",
	joinAs = "[~g~E~w~] Join as ",
	ownerNotMatch = "You can't join the match because the owner is not in the match",
	cantJnMatchFor = "You can't join the match for ",	
	seconds = " seconds",
	balanceTeam = "You need to balance the teams",
	eachTeam = "You need at least 1 player in each team",
	dntHaveEngMoney = "You don't have enough money",
	thisBetNotAv = "This bet is not available",
	youCantBetOwn = "You can't bet on your own bet",
	youDraw = "You draw ",
	matchCancelled = "Match cancelled!",
	youJned = "You joined!",
	posFull = "This position is full",

Last updated

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