Config = {}
Config.SpeedType = "KMH" -- KMH or MPH
Config.NitroKey = "X"
Config.SeatBeltKey = "B"
Config.MinimapJustInVehicle = false -- If you want to show minimap only when player is in vehicle, set this to true
Config.HudCommand = "hud"
Config.FixedSizeNuiWarning = true
Config.SpeedMultiplier = Config.SpeedType == "KMH" and 3.6 or 2.236936
Config.NitroItem = "nitrous"
Config.RemoveNitroOnMilliseconds = 1
Config.UseCustomFuel = false -- If you want to use custom fuel script, set this to true and set the export name below
Config.CustomFuel = function(vehicle)
return exports['LegacyFuel']:GetFuel(vehicle)
Config.ServerLogo = ''
Config.Inventory = "esx" -- esx, qb, ox is available.
Config.InventoryImagePath = function()
if (Config.Inventory == "qb") then
return 'nui://qb-inventory/html/images/'
elseif (Config.Inventory == "esx") then
return 'nui://esx_inventoryhud/html/img/items'
elseif (Config.Inventory == "ox") then
return 'nui://ox_inventory/web/images/'
return '' -- You can fill this with your inventoryhud image path.
Config.NotifyEvent = "esx" -- esx, qb, ox is available if you using different script for notify, you can leave it blank. (dont forget add the export of notify below.)
---@class NotifyType: string | "info" | "success" | "error" | "warning"
Config.Notify = function(title, message, type_, length, icon)
if Config.NotifyEvent == 'esx' then
TriggerEvent('esx:showNotification', message)
elseif Config.NotifyEvent == 'qb' then
TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', message, type_, length)
elseif Config.NotifyEvent == 'ox' then
TriggerEvent("ox_lib:notify", {
title = title,
description = message,
type = type_,
duration = length,
icon = icon
-- You can paste your notification export or something.
print(('Notification: [%s] %s'):format(title, message))
Config.StressNotify = true
Config.MinStressToBlur = 50
Config.WhitelistedWeaponStress = { -- Weapons that won't stress
Config.AddStress = {
["on_shoot"] = {
min = 1,
max = 2,
enable = true,
chance = 20, -- Change to get stressed
["on_fastdrive"] = {
min = 1,
max = 3,
enable = true,
minSpeed = 110, -- Minimum speed to get stressed
chance = 50, -- Change to get stressed
Config.RemoveStress = {
["on_eat"] = {
min = 5,
max = 10,
enable = true,
["on_drink"] = {
min = 5,
max = 10,
enable = true,
["on_swim"] = {
min = 5,
max = 10,
enable = true,
["on_run"] = {
min = 5,
max = 10,
enable = true,
Config.Locale = "en"
Translations = {
["en"] = {
["NITRO"] = "Nitro",
["RUN_OUT_OF_NITRO"] = "Your nitro has run out!",
["NO_NITRO"] = "You don't have any nitro!",
["CANT_INSTALL_IN_CAR"] = "You can't install nitro while sitting in a car",
["FILLED_UP_NITRO"] = "You have filled up your nitro!",
["NO_CAR"] = "You are not near a vehicle!",
["STRESS"] = "Stress",
["YOUR_STRESS"] = "Your stress is %s",
["de"] = {
["NITRO"] = "Nitro",
["RUN_OUT_OF_NITRO"] = "Dein Nitro ist aufgebraucht!",
["NO_NITRO"] = "Du hast kein Nitro!",
["CANT_INSTALL_IN_CAR"] = "Du kannst Nitro nicht installieren, während du im Auto sitzt",
["FILLED_UP_NITRO"] = "Du hast dein Nitro aufgefüllt!",
["NO_CAR"] = "Du bist nicht in der Nähe eines Fahrzeugs!",
["STRESS"] = "Stress",
["YOUR_STRESS"] = "Dein Stress beträgt %s",
["fr"] = {
["NITRO"] = "Nitro",
["RUN_OUT_OF_NITRO"] = "Votre nitro est épuisé!",
["NO_NITRO"] = "Vous n'avez pas de nitro!",
["CANT_INSTALL_IN_CAR"] = "Vous ne pouvez pas installer du nitro en étant assis dans une voiture",
["FILLED_UP_NITRO"] = "Vous avez rempli votre nitro!",
["NO_CAR"] = "Vous n'êtes pas près d'un véhicule!",
["STRESS"] = "Stress",
["YOUR_STRESS"] = "Votre stress est de %s",
["es"] = {
["NITRO"] = "Nitro",
["RUN_OUT_OF_NITRO"] = "¡Tu nitro se ha agotado!",
["NO_NITRO"] = "¡No tienes nitro!",
["CANT_INSTALL_IN_CAR"] = "No puedes instalar nitro mientras estás sentado en un coche",
["FILLED_UP_NITRO"] = "¡Has llenado tu nitro!",
["NO_CAR"] = "¡No estás cerca de un vehículo!",
["STRESS"] = "Estrés",
["YOUR_STRESS"] = "Tu nivel de estrés es %s",
["pt"] = {
["NITRO"] = "Nitro",
["RUN_OUT_OF_NITRO"] = "Seu nitro acabou!",
["NO_NITRO"] = "Você não tem nitro!",
["CANT_INSTALL_IN_CAR"] = "Você não pode instalar nitro sentado em um carro",
["FILLED_UP_NITRO"] = "Você encheu seu nitro!",
["NO_CAR"] = "Você não está perto de um veículo!",
["STRESS"] = "Estresse",
["YOUR_STRESS"] = "Seu nível de estresse é %s",
Last updated
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