
AK4Y = {}

AK4Y.Framework = "esx" -- esx / newEsx | newEsx = export system | esx = triggerevent system
AK4Y.Mysql = "oxmysql" -- Check fxmanifest.lua when you change it! | ghmattimysql / oxmysql / mysql-async

AK4Y.OpenMenuCommand = "treasure"

AK4Y.AutoRerollTime = 1 * 60 * 60 -- 1 hours |>|<| 1 means = 1 hour

AK4Y.WeaponsAreItem = false -- true : if your weapons are item

AK4Y.RerollPrice = 5000
AK4Y.RerollPaymentType = "bank" -- money or bank

AK4Y.BlipName = "TREASURE"
AK4Y.BlipSize = 0.5
AK4Y.BlipType = 161
AK4Y.BlipColour = 5

AK4Y.DrawText = "[E] - Collect Treasure"

    { locationId = 1, coords = vector3(-601.83, -1039.32, 22.54), image = "" },
    { locationId = 2, coords = vector3(-845.32, -1088.41, 11.64), image = "" },
    { locationId = 3, coords = vector3(-696.22, -1386.85, 5.5), image = "" },
    { locationId = 4, coords = vector3(-326.21, -1295.86, 31.38), image = "" },
    { locationId = 5, coords = vector3(-688.71, -141.74, 37.83), image = "" },
    { locationId = 6, coords = vector3(572.18, 113.93, 98.41), image = "" },
    { locationId = 7, coords = vector3(1113.3, -645.08, 57.68), image = "" },
    { locationId = 8, coords = vector3(1082.64, -787.55, 58.33), image = "" },
    { locationId = 9, coords = vector3(1001.58, 101.38, 81.19), image = "" },
    { locationId = 10, coords = vector3(-975.88, 389.52, 74.73), image = "" },
    { locationId = 11, coords = vector3(-1354.07, -139.43, 49.57), image = "" },
    { locationId = 12, coords = vector3(-1977.17, -309.92, 38.1), image = "" },

-- giveItemType's = "item", "vehicle", "money", "weapon"
-- should have a chance total of 100 !! IMPORTANT !! IMPORTANT !! IMPORTANT !!
AK4Y.RandomRewardItems = {                
    { itemName = "lockpick", label = "LOCKPICK", chance = 7.5, itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item" },
    { itemName = "advancedlockpick", label = "LOCKPICK", chance = 7.5, itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item" },
    { itemName = "firstaid", label = "AID KIT", chance = 7.5, itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item" },
    { itemName = "joint", label = "JOINT", chance = 7.5, itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item" },
    { itemName = "pistol_ammo", label = "PISTOL AMMO", chance = 7.5, itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item" },
    { itemName = "radio", label = "RADIO", chance = 7.5, itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item" },
    { itemName = "pistol_extendedclip", label = "EXTENDED CLIP", chance = 7.5, itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item" },
    { itemName = "security_card_02", label = "SECURITY CARD", chance = 7.5, itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item" },
    { itemName = "weapon_knife", label = "KNIFE", chance = 5, itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item" },
    { itemName = "weapon_crowbar", label = "CROWBAR", chance = 5, itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item" },
    { itemName = "weapon_knuckle", label = "KNUCKLE", chance = 5, itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item" },
    { itemName = "armor", label = "ARMOR", chance = 5, itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item" },
    { itemName = "weapon_combatpistol", label = "COMBAT PISTOL", chance = 5, itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item" },
    { itemName = "weapon_heavypistol", label = "HEAVY PISTOL", chance = 5, itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item"},
    { itemName = "weapon_appistol", label = "AP PISTOL", chance = 5, itemCount = 1, giveItemType = "item" },
    { itemName = "weapon_smg", label = "SMG", chance = 2, sellCredit = 150, giveItemType = "item"},
    { itemName = "weapon_combatpdw", label = "COMBAT PDW", chance = 2, sellCredit = 150,  giveItemType = "item" },
    { itemName = "zentorno", label = "ZENTORNO", chance = 1, sellCredit = 250, giveItemType = "vehicle" },

AK4Y.Language = {
    received = "RECEIVED",
    treasury = "TREASURY",
    treasure = "TREASURE",
    location = "LOCATION",
    description = "When the time above resets, the treasure space currently shown to you will reset and you will need to find a new space. Therefore, you must go to this area and get the treasure reward before the time resets.",
    awardReceived = "AWARD RECEIVED",
    youWon = "YOU WON",

Last updated

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