AK4Y = {}
AK4Y.Framework = "esx" -- esx or newEsx
AK4Y.Mysql = "oxmysql" -- Check fxmanifest.lua when you change it! | ghmattimysql / oxmysql / mysql-async
AK4Y.OpenCommand = "dailyRewards"
AK4Y.PlayTime = true -- Does the player have to stay in the game for a certain amount of time to get the award?
AK4Y.Time = 30 * 60000 -- 30 min
AK4Y.AFKCheck = true -- if the player is afk for 10 minutes, the time he/she should have stayed in the game is reset
AK4Y.WeaponsAreItem = false -- if your weapons are item then set it true else set it false
AK4Y.StartDay = { day = 19, month = 9, year = 2022 } -- This is the start of the awards, this is Day 1 - Prizes increase day by day from this date
AK4Y.Notify = function(text)
-- Item types: "item", "money", "vehicle", "weapon"
AK4Y.Rewards = {
{ day = 1, itemName = "zentorno", itemLabel = "Zentorno", itemCount = 1, itemType = "vehicle", unique = false, image = "./images/zentorno.png" },
{ day = 2, itemName = "WEAPON_MOLOTOV", itemLabel = "Molotov", itemCount = 1, itemType = "item", unique = true, image = "./images/WEAPON_MOLOTOV.png" },
{ day = 3, itemName = "skateboard", itemLabel = "Skateboard", itemCount = 1, itemType = "money", unique = false, image = "./images/kaykay.png" },
{ day = 4, itemName = "condom", itemLabel = "Condom", itemCount = 3, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/kondom.png" },
{ day = 5, itemName = "drone_flyer_7", itemLabel = "Drone", itemCount = 1, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/drone_flyer_7.png" },
{ day = 6, itemName = "clip", itemLabel = "Pistol Ammo", itemCount = 5, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/clip.png" },
{ day = 7, itemName = "WEAPON_GLOCK", itemLabel = "Glock 19", itemCount = 1, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/WEAPON_GLOCK.png" },
{ day = 8, itemName = "lockpick", itemLabel = "Lockpick", itemCount = 5, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/lockpick2.png" },
{ day = 9, itemName = "meth", itemLabel = "meth", itemCount = 25, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/meth.png" },
{ day = 10, itemName = "smg_ammo", itemLabel = "SMG Ammo", itemCount = 5, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/smg_ammo.png" },
{ day = 11, itemName = "zentorno", itemLabel = "Zentorno", itemCount = 1, itemType = "vehicle", unique = false, image = "./images/zentorno.png" },
{ day = 12, itemName = "WEAPON_MOLOTOV", itemLabel = "Molotov", itemCount = 1, itemType = "item", unique = true, image = "./images/WEAPON_MOLOTOV.png" },
{ day = 13, itemName = "skateboard", itemLabel = "Skateboard", itemCount = 1, itemType = "money", unique = false, image = "./images/kaykay.png" },
{ day = 14, itemName = "condom", itemLabel = "Condom", itemCount = 3, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/kondom.png" },
{ day = 15, itemName = "drone_flyer_7", itemLabel = "Drone", itemCount = 1, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/drone_flyer_7.png" },
{ day = 16, itemName = "clip", itemLabel = "Pistol Ammo", itemCount = 5, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/clip.png" },
{ day = 17, itemName = "WEAPON_GLOCK", itemLabel = "Glock 19", itemCount = 1, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/WEAPON_GLOCK.png" },
{ day = 18, itemName = "lockpick", itemLabel = "Lockpick", itemCount = 5, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/lockpick2.png" },
{ day = 19, itemName = "meth", itemLabel = "meth", itemCount = 25, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/meth.png" },
{ day = 20, itemName = "smg_ammo", itemLabel = "SMG Ammo", itemCount = 5, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/smg_ammo.png" },
{ day = 21, itemName = "zentorno", itemLabel = "Zentorno", itemCount = 1, itemType = "vehicle", unique = false, image = "./images/zentorno.png" },
{ day = 22, itemName = "WEAPON_MOLOTOV", itemLabel = "Molotov", itemCount = 1, itemType = "item", unique = true, image = "./images/WEAPON_MOLOTOV.png" },
{ day = 23, itemName = "skateboard", itemLabel = "Skateboard", itemCount = 1, itemType = "money", unique = false, image = "./images/kaykay.png" },
{ day = 24, itemName = "condom", itemLabel = "Condom", itemCount = 3, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/kondom.png" },
{ day = 25, itemName = "drone_flyer_7", itemLabel = "Drone", itemCount = 1, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/drone_flyer_7.png" },
{ day = 26, itemName = "clip", itemLabel = "Pistol Ammo", itemCount = 5, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/clip.png" },
{ day = 27, itemName = "WEAPON_GLOCK", itemLabel = "Glock 19", itemCount = 1, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/WEAPON_GLOCK.png" },
{ day = 28, itemName = "lockpick", itemLabel = "Lockpick", itemCount = 5, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/lockpick2.png" },
{ day = 29, itemName = "meth", itemLabel = "meth", itemCount = 25, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/meth.png" },
{ day = 30, itemName = "smg_ammo", itemLabel = "SMG Ammo", itemCount = 5, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/smg_ammo.png" },
AK4Y.Language = {
title1 = "AK4Y",
title2 = "DAILY REWARDS",
leftDesc = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Vitae ea neque ipsam, voluptas commodi aperiam repellat laborum omnis architecto, ducimus consequatur nesciunt facilis.",
nextReward = "FOR THE NEXT REWARD",
collected = "COLLECTED",
afk = "Due to prolonged inactivity, the time you need to stay in the game to receive the daily reward has been reset to zero",
afkWarn = "If you remain inactive, the time you need to stay in the game to receive the daily reward will reset to zero",
AK4Y = {}
AK4Y.Framework = "qb" -- qb / oldqb | qb = export system | oldqb = triggerevent system
AK4Y.Mysql = "oxmysql" -- Check fxmanifest.lua when you change it! | ghmattimysql / oxmysql / mysql-async
AK4Y.OpenCommand = "dailyRewards"
AK4Y.PlayTime = true -- Does the player have to stay in the game for a certain amount of time to get the award?
AK4Y.Time = 30 * 60000 -- 30 min
AK4Y.AFKCheck = true -- if the player is afk for 10 minutes, the time he/she should have stayed in the game is reset
AK4Y.DefaultGarage = 'pillboxgarage' -- Garage name where the vehicle will be sent after get reward
AK4Y.StartDay = { day = 19, month = 9, year = 2022 } -- This is the start of the awards, this is Day 1 - Prizes increase day by day from this date
AK4Y.Notify = function(text)
-- Item types: "item", "money", "vehicle"
AK4Y.Rewards = {
{ day = 1, itemName = "zentorno", itemLabel = "Zentorno", itemCount = 1, itemType = "vehicle", unique = false, image = "./images/zentorno.png" },
{ day = 2, itemName = "WEAPON_MOLOTOV", itemLabel = "Molotov", itemCount = 1, itemType = "item", unique = true, image = "./images/WEAPON_MOLOTOV.png" },
{ day = 3, itemName = "skateboard", itemLabel = "Skateboard", itemCount = 1, itemType = "money", unique = false, image = "./images/kaykay.png" },
{ day = 4, itemName = "condom", itemLabel = "Condom", itemCount = 3, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/kondom.png" },
{ day = 5, itemName = "drone_flyer_7", itemLabel = "Drone", itemCount = 1, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/drone_flyer_7.png" },
{ day = 6, itemName = "clip", itemLabel = "Pistol Ammo", itemCount = 5, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/clip.png" },
{ day = 7, itemName = "WEAPON_GLOCK", itemLabel = "Glock 19", itemCount = 1, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/WEAPON_GLOCK.png" },
{ day = 8, itemName = "lockpick", itemLabel = "Lockpick", itemCount = 5, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/lockpick2.png" },
{ day = 9, itemName = "meth", itemLabel = "meth", itemCount = 25, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/meth.png" },
{ day = 10, itemName = "smg_ammo", itemLabel = "SMG Ammo", itemCount = 5, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/smg_ammo.png" },
{ day = 11, itemName = "zentorno", itemLabel = "Zentorno", itemCount = 1, itemType = "vehicle", unique = false, image = "./images/zentorno.png" },
{ day = 12, itemName = "WEAPON_MOLOTOV", itemLabel = "Molotov", itemCount = 1, itemType = "item", unique = true, image = "./images/WEAPON_MOLOTOV.png" },
{ day = 13, itemName = "skateboard", itemLabel = "Skateboard", itemCount = 1, itemType = "money", unique = false, image = "./images/kaykay.png" },
{ day = 14, itemName = "condom", itemLabel = "Condom", itemCount = 3, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/kondom.png" },
{ day = 15, itemName = "drone_flyer_7", itemLabel = "Drone", itemCount = 1, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/drone_flyer_7.png" },
{ day = 16, itemName = "clip", itemLabel = "Pistol Ammo", itemCount = 5, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/clip.png" },
{ day = 17, itemName = "WEAPON_GLOCK", itemLabel = "Glock 19", itemCount = 1, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/WEAPON_GLOCK.png" },
{ day = 18, itemName = "lockpick", itemLabel = "Lockpick", itemCount = 5, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/lockpick2.png" },
{ day = 19, itemName = "meth", itemLabel = "meth", itemCount = 25, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/meth.png" },
{ day = 20, itemName = "smg_ammo", itemLabel = "SMG Ammo", itemCount = 5, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/smg_ammo.png" },
{ day = 21, itemName = "zentorno", itemLabel = "Zentorno", itemCount = 1, itemType = "vehicle", unique = false, image = "./images/zentorno.png" },
{ day = 22, itemName = "WEAPON_MOLOTOV", itemLabel = "Molotov", itemCount = 1, itemType = "item", unique = true, image = "./images/WEAPON_MOLOTOV.png" },
{ day = 23, itemName = "skateboard", itemLabel = "Skateboard", itemCount = 1, itemType = "money", unique = false, image = "./images/kaykay.png" },
{ day = 24, itemName = "condom", itemLabel = "Condom", itemCount = 3, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/kondom.png" },
{ day = 25, itemName = "drone_flyer_7", itemLabel = "Drone", itemCount = 1, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/drone_flyer_7.png" },
{ day = 26, itemName = "clip", itemLabel = "Pistol Ammo", itemCount = 5, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/clip.png" },
{ day = 27, itemName = "WEAPON_GLOCK", itemLabel = "Glock 19", itemCount = 1, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/WEAPON_GLOCK.png" },
{ day = 28, itemName = "lockpick", itemLabel = "Lockpick", itemCount = 5, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/lockpick2.png" },
{ day = 29, itemName = "meth", itemLabel = "meth", itemCount = 25, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/meth.png" },
{ day = 30, itemName = "smg_ammo", itemLabel = "SMG Ammo", itemCount = 5, itemType = "item", unique = false, image = "./images/smg_ammo.png" },
AK4Y.Language = {
title1 = "AK4Y",
title2 = "DAILY REWARDS",
leftDesc = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Vitae ea neque ipsam, voluptas commodi aperiam repellat laborum omnis architecto, ducimus consequatur nesciunt facilis.",
nextReward = "FOR THE NEXT REWARD",
collected = "COLLECTED",
Last updated
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